
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

First Basketball Game & A State Championship Win

Dear Em,
We have our good days & our bad days, but this weekend I felt like I had good balance as a mom. We spent quality time together, but I took time for myself. We got fresh air outdoors, but we got things done inside too. It may not sound like much, but I like to celebrate little victories...& the smiles on all of our faces this weekend...well, that was a victory.

One of the fun things we did this weekend was take you to your first basketball game. Remember how you learned about basketball in school this winter? Your teacher actually helps coach a high school basketball team & they were in the State Championships. The game was being played at the URI Ryan Center, only fifteen minutes away from our house, & we were excited to cheer for your teacher & her team.

We dressed you in North Kingstown High School colors, black, gold, & white. You & I made a glittery gold sign to bring to the game, complete with a backside picture of your teacher & you & all your friends at school (& Nonnie somehow also made it into the picture).

You were pretty disappointed when we got to the game & you realized you wouldn't be playing in it. Instead, you spent the first half of the game yelling "Go Miss Kayla!" & excitedly clapping for a few girls from the team that you had met at school. By the second half, you weren't as excited about sitting in the stands. I'd have to say the highlight of the game for you was people watching & the music breaks during time outs when you scooted off my lap & got your dance on.

It was a really close game that came down to the last seconds, but Miss Kayla's team won! You didn't quite understand why you were not allowed down to the court for the handing out of the trophies. I feel like you thought you earned a trophy just for making it through the whole game. All in all you had a fun first basketball game experience. Plus, Daddy found another sport you would be allowed to play because he was OK with the uniforms (once I mentioned that, with your height, you might be good at volleyball & Daddy shook his head no because the shorts are too short). It was a fun outing for the whole family.

I love you so,

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