
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Our House

Dear Em,
Next week will be five years since Daddy & I first became homeowners. It's kinda crazy. In some ways, I feel like we've been here forever. In other ways, I feel like five years has flown by.

Our house has changed pretty drastically since the day we first unlocked the doors with our own set of keys. The original home owners clearly loved the color green. Everything in our house used to be green: the counters, the floors, the shutters, the walls. While some of the green still remains (we're really hoping to renovate the kitchen in the next three years), in the first year we painted every room of the house & put in new rugs upstairs. We held a little painting party with free food & beverages & were so fortunate to have the best family & friends come out to help. We still owe them big!

So, for this throwback Thursday I thought it would be fun to post some throwback pictures of the house & the painting party from the first weekend we lived here. Our house, circa 2009...

This is what the living room/dining area looked like (dining area makeover & living & dining room now).

When I look at old pictures of our kitchen, it amazes me what a big change a little white paint on the cabinets can make (this is pretty much what it looks like now).

Though this bathroom seems small & dreary, Daddy & I were beyond excited to have two bathrooms! One for him & one for me. Ha!

Our entryway was green...just like everything else (entryway now).

Here's our lovely family room (family room now). Mustard anyone?

Your bedroom was once referred to as the blue room (your bedroom now). It's kinda funny, because there's no way you'd let me paint your room that color blue now...and who would want to?

While we didn't know we were pregnant yet, we labled one room as the future nursery (the nursery after & guest room now). Your aunt Andrea & I fought over whether or not to keep the princess castle that was painted on one of the walls. She wanted it. I said it had to go. I won (although, in her defense, you probably would have loved it).

I do not miss the green rugs in our bedroom.

I feel like our bathroom was a very sad little bathroom before we painted it red, put up some art, painted the vanity, & put in a new medicine cabinet.

When I look at the pictures of the bare green walls from five years ago, I'm amazed at the personality our little house has now. I'm so truly thankful to all those who have helped to make our house a home over the last five years. Not just for the help with the painting & projects & pictures on the walls (& we've been so blessed for all the help we've received), but for filling our house with laughter & celebrations & fun & precious moments & amazing memories. 

I'm especially thankful for you, who has given me inspiration I never couldn't have imagined & brought more character into our home than I thought possible.

I love you so,


  1. Lovely people and lovely home

  2. Thanks. We've all come a long way in five years...I still can't believe it's been five years!


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