
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wedding Shower Wednesday: The Newlywed Game

Dear Em,
There were two wicked fun games we played at your aunt Andrea's shower. The first was the Toilet Paper Bride Game. When we thought about a second game, we knew Wedding Shower Bingo was out. Since the Bride registered on HoneyFund, there would be no gifts to fill the Bingo sheet with (also, I feel like I play that game at every wedding shower ever). After doing a Google search, I found fun ideas for a Newlywed Game, & all the girls agreed it would be perfect.

Your uncle Lowell lives in Florida with your aunt Andrea. While he's been to RI to visit quite a few times, Andrea's friends & family haven't been able to get to know him like they would if he lived here. We thought including him in this game would be a fun way for everyone to get to know him & get to know them as a couple.

After looking for ideas online, I put together a list of questions for the game. First we asked Lowell to answer these questions about himself.

1) What is your favorite football team?
2) What is your favorite beverage?
3) Where did you & Andrea meet? What most attracted you about Andrea when you first met?
4) What is your favorite pizza (toppings & place)?
5) What person, character, or sound do you do your best impersonation of?
6) Andrea is a natural born…
7) What is your biggest pet peeve?
8) What is the cutest thing Andrea does without realizing it?
9) If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
10) How did you propose?
11) What is your middle name?
12) What did you want to be when you were a little kid? What do you do now?
13) What do you love about Andrea the most?
14) What was the name of your very first pet? How many pets do you have now? What kinds? Names?
15) What are you most excited about being married to Andrea?

Then we asked him to answer these questions about Andrea.

1) What is your favorite color?
2) What is your shoe size?
3) What is Lowell’s best feature?
4) What is your favorite restaurant?
5) Where was your first date?
6) Lowell is a natural born…
7) What is your biggest pet peeve?
8) What did you want to be when you were a little kid?
9) If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
10) What was your favorite vacation to take with Lowell? Where are you going for your honeymoon?
11) How many kids would you like to have?
12) What movie star are you most like?
13) Where did you first say “I Love You”? What do you love about Lowell the most?
14) What was the name of your very first pet?
15) What are you most excited about being married to Lowell? When is the wedding?

Then we printed the questions below and handed them to guests as they arrived. We asked everyone to fill out what they thought were the correct answers about the bride, the groom, & the couple.

How well do you know
The Happy Couple?
1) What is Andrea’s favorite color?
2) What is Andrea’s favorite restaurant?
3) What is Andrea’s shoe size?
4) What does she think is Lowell’s best feature?
5) What did she want to be when she was a little kid?

1) What is Lowell’s favorite football team?
2) What is Lowell’s favorite beverage?
3) What is Lowell’s middle name?
4) What did Lowell want to be when he was a little kid?
5) What does Lowell do for a living now?

1) Where did Andrea & Lowell meet?
2) Where was their first date?
3) Where were they when they first said “I love you?”
4) How did Lowell propose?
5) How many pets do Andrea & Lowell have (extra points if you can list what kind of pets they are & what their names are)?
6) What is the Andrea & Lowell’s wedding date?
7) Where are Andrea & Lowell going on their honeymoon?

Lowell had written answers to the questions on pieces of paper, took screen shots of him with the answers (he got really into it, there were props involved, & it was truly amazing), & sent them to us. We pre set-up Lowell's photo answers up on my iPad. We sat Andrea in the middle of the room with a dry erase board & marker. First Andrea answered the questions about Lowell on the dry erase board as her Maid of Honor held up Lowell's answers on the iPad. Then we asked Andrea the questions about herself, & her Maid of Honor showed us all what Lowell thought the answers were.

The plan was that the questions we asked the couple tied directly into the questions that the guests had filled out on the forms we passed out. The guests were supposed to tally whether they had answered the questions about the couple correctly as Andrea & Lowell's screen shots answered. Except- Lowell changed things up a little bit when he decided my questions were too easy. So, he threw in some really tough questions, like what is Lowell's blood type (which Andrea actually got right). While the questions no longer completely went along with the forms our guests filled out, Andrea was able to provide all of the answers at the end. Our guest with the most questions answered correctly won a prize.

I'm glad Lowell got to be there with us even though he wasn't actually there. It was super fun & kind of adorable.

I love you so,

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