
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bachelorette Wednesday: Mugshot Photo Booth

Dear Em,
While I've pretty much covered all of the fun bridal shower topics I wanted to share from Aunt Andrea's shower, there is one thing I wanted to share from her bachlorette. We had such a fun time at Andrea's bachelorette, & I stored the crazy fun photos in a secret album. I'm going to bring out just a few pics from the vault to talk about something that is near & dear to my heart: a bachelorette party photo booth.

When I first got together with the other bridesmaids to talk about our shower/bachelorette plans, the Maid of Honor really wanted to a mugshot photo booth to highlight photos of the night of & the morning after. I will NEVER say no to a photo booth. I couldn't wait to put it all together.

I chose to use a large piece of white fabric for the background. You can find white fabric for pretty cheap at the fabric store. I looked for the widest piece of fabric I could find & bought enough to hang from the ceiling to the floor, so 8 feet or around 2 & a half yards. I brought the fabric home, & during our crafting weekend we made the white fabric into a mug shot background.

While not at all difficult, making the background was a little tedious. First we laid the white fabric out on our dining room table. Then we used a tape measure & marked each inch on each side of the white fabric. I found a long, straight board in our garage, & we used it to make the straight lines on the white fabric. Using a sharpie, we lined the board with the inch marks we made on the sides of the fabric & traced along the board to put a line across each inch.

Once we had the basic lines across at each inch, we wrote in height numbers at each inch. We also made the lines at each foot a little thicker & darker. While it wasn't in any way difficult to do, it took a while. It was so worth it. We loved the results.

The mugshot photo booth was one of my favorite bachelorette party activities. I used my camera on a tripod to take the photos. I loved capturing each individual in a fun & original way before our night out celebrating Andrea.

We also captured morning after shots. For fear of death, I'll only include mine.

While we took a lot of mugshots, we also used the props we made for glittery pink photo booth, & had a ton of fun.

And this is why I will never say no to a photo booth. These pictures make me smile every time I look at them. Our mugshot photo booth was such a fun way to capture hilarious moments & memories that will last a lifetime for your aunt Andrea.

And now I have a tediously made mugshot background that I can use again & again in the future. You know it'll be used quite a lot...& will hopefully be the only time you or I are in mugshot photos.

I love you so,

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