
Monday, May 19, 2014

Dave & Busters...with kids

Dear Em,
I remember when Dave & Busters opened at Providence Place Mall. It was a magical place for only adults, & I couldn't wait to turn 21 & freely play behind closed doors (I feel like the age policy was a lot different when it first opened). Since then, Daddy & I have enjoyed Dave & Busters a handful of times. It's always nice to watch adults be kids for a night.

It's always nice to be without kids for a night. The last time we went to Dave & Busters, I found myself noticing all the kids...running late hours...& asking myself "WHY?!" What happened to having to be 21 to enjoy the magic?

A few weeks ago Daddy & I had our first experience at Dave and Busters with our kid. You were invited to a four year olds birthday party. On the one hand, I thought Daddy might actually enjoy this birthday party. On the other hand, I was worried Dave & Busters would lose it's magic once we had a child in tow.

The party started with food. There were french fries, chicken fingers, & pigs in a blanket. It was one of the first birthday parties where we didn't have to struggle to find something you would eat. I have to say, Daddy & I were pretty happy with the food choices too (although my body might disagree). All the kids sang & ate cupcakes, & then we headed out into the game area.

Oh Em Gee! We had so much fun. It was one of my favorite family outings in a long time. Just showing you all that Dave & Busters had to offer was the cutest thing ever. Your eyes grew wide & danced in excitement. "Mom, look at all the things! Look at all the people coming from every direction." You rode a motorcycle, learned (yet again) the hard way that the claw game only serves to steal your money, drove a car with Daddy, hunted sharks, played a family game of air hockey (me & you against Daddy), raced horses at the race track with me, & won lots of tickets.

It was so fun to spend an afternoon together & to watch the smiles & excitement in your eyes. At the end of our afternoon (aka the end of our money), you got to take the tickets you won & trade them in for a stuffed animal. Not only did you have one of the best afternoons ever, but you got to take a souvenir home with you.

So, I guess Dave & Busters can still be magical with kids. Because although there weren't any beverages that come in fun glasses, I think it was my favorite trip to Dave & Busters yet.

I love you so,

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