
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Last Day of School

Dear Em,
Since last Friday was your last day of school, it seems fitting to highlight your last days of school in this week's Throwback Thursday post.

Last Day 2012: Look at how teeny you are. And those cheeks...oh, those cheeks!

Last Day 2013: I can't believe the difference between the two pictures. Your cute, little face isn't a baby face anymore, but of course it does have a black eye. Because that's how you role. Bump up your face in some way just before a milestone/holiday/photo opp moment. 

Last Day 2014: Here you are now. Although the entire sky was overcast, you claimed it was too sunny for pictures & this was the best shot we got in the back of the house. Still cute as a button, but looking more & more like a young lady everyday.

While many kids go to your school year round, you enjoy a summer vacation of travel & friends & Nonnie. This was your third year at your school & your third last day. Wow! Three years. Three years of love & fun & learning. I can't believe how much you've grown since you started at your school. I can't believe next year you will be in Pre-K, & it will be the final year at your school before starting kindergarten in the public school in our town. Which means, you'll just have one more first day & one more last day at the school we've come to love so much.

Sigh, I'm going to wrap up this post now before I start sobbing.

I love you so,

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