
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wedding Shower Wednesday: Pink & Glittery Baby to Bride

Dear Em,
While our super fun photo booth created new memories at your aunt Andrea's shower, I wanted something to display past memories. I just love Baby to Bride photograph boards. I feel like they're such a fun conversation starter & a non-sappy way of looking at all the moments that have led to up to a big milestone in a bride's life.

I was happy to volunteer to make a Baby to Bride board for Andrea's shower. While I had many photos from the past ten years, I asked Andrea's friends for digital copies of photos. Grandma gave me tons of photos from when Andrea was little. There were adorable pictures of Andrea & your Daddy from when they were little, sweet pictures of Andrea & Papa during father-daughter dances, & hilarious photos with her friends. In the end I had so many precious moments to choose from, I knew it would be a challenge to contain them all on the one board.

I started with the largest piece of foam board I could find. To keep with the glittery theme, one of the bridesmaids cut out the letters for "Baby to Bride" out of gold & pink glittery paper. Because I was working with copies of the original photographs, I was able to trim the photos in attempt to try to fit as many as I could. I started at the top with the baby pictures, the photographs jutting from the top & sides of the board. I used a glue gun to adhere the pictures to the board & continued in chronological order as I moved down. The pictures overlapped & peeked through the glittery letters.

The end result was a full board of memories celebrating the bride to be.

You were ecstatic to find yourself among the precious moments pictured on the board. I have to say, it was fun for me to reminisce about the memories that I was a part of. We were happy to be able to use the board again at Andrea's bachelorette party. It was a fun decoration, that almost every girl was a part of. It made me smile to watch each girl's face light up as she found her spot on the board.

I think of the possibility of making your baby to bride board some day. I think we might need more than one board.

I love you so,

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