
Monday, June 9, 2014

I heart Daddy

Dear Em,
With Father's Day coming up this weekend, I thought I'd share a project we made for your daddy for his birthday this year. I have to admit, I stole the idea from Etsy (I'm actually still crushing on a lot of the items that PitterPatterPrint creates & will probably be placing an order soon). It was so cute, I thought it would be fun for you & I to try it out ourselves.

All we needed was a large piece of cardstock paper (we have tons in our craft closet), a paint brush, & paint. I sat you on a step stool (so your feet could still touch the ground) & used the paint brush to cover your foot in paint. I put the cardstock paper on the floor in front of you, & pressed your foot at a slight angle onto the paper. I carried you into the bathroom, placed your foot in the sink, & washed it off before repeating the process with your other foot.

We didn't love the first footprint heart we made. The angle of your footprints wasn't quite right. I chalked it up to a practice piece, & our second attempt came out much better.

Once the paint on the cardstock dried, I had you use yellow marker to write "I" on top of your footprints & "Daddy" underneath your footprints. I painted over your writing so the words would match your footprints.

It was a fun & easy craft, & I love how it came out.

Daddy loved your original masterpiece too.

I love you so.

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