
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

"Santa? Oh, I mean, God, please help me to have a beautiful baby girl."

Dear Em,
I have to remember to write down more of the conversations we have, because they make me smile & laugh & cry all at the same time sometimes. For instance...

Em: Mom, do you know who I'm going to marry someday? 
Me: No, but you know, I didn't know who I was going to marry until I met your daddy. 
Em: Well, I better get meeting someone. I do know one thing, I'm going to have a beautiful baby. 
Me: (laughing, but getting a little choked up about the thought of you getting married & having a baby) That's nice, hunny. 
Em: I'm going to have a beautiful baby GIRL. 
Me: Well, the thing about having kids is you don't get to pick if you have a baby boy or baby girl. You just hope your baby is healthy. 
Me: (Sigh) Ok, good luck with that. 
Em: Santa? Haha. Oh, I mean, God, please help me to have a beautiful baby girl. 

Ha! I'm not sure where you come up with these things, but is sure is entertaining to be a part of it all. Thanks for being my smile's inspiration each & every day (even the really tough ones).

I love you so,


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