
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Our First Couches

Dear Em,
Daddy & I dated for almost five years before we moved in together. Before that, we lived in dorms & dorm apartments. When we moved into our first apartment together, I was ready to be an adult in a REAL apartment.

We didn't start with much furniture. Actually, we started with a futon & a big screen TV (the TV was your Daddy's first large purchase after getting his first job out of college). I loved picking out items & decorating that first apartment. We didn't have a lot of money. We were just out of college & grad school & saving for our wedding. I tried to find great deals & filled our home with DIY projects.

It was a proud moment when we bought our first couch set. It was my first big girl purchase for our apartment. At times our apartment didn't seem like much of an adult apartment. We had a Foosball & beer pong table where a dining room table should have been, but I loved that apartment & I loved those couches. They were nice looking but comfy for fun get-togethers with friends.

They were perfect for snuggling.

Did I mention they were comfy?

When we moved into our house, we got an even more adult set of leather couches. Our first couches moved down to mantown (as did our beer pong table & RedSox/Patriots decor), & even you enjoyed some fun couch time.

We had the couches for over eight years, eight years of amazing memories. Recently we bought new couches for our living room, & it just made sense to move our leather couches into mantown. Which means our first couches were moved to the curb. Literally. Your Uncle Jared brought them to the curb in the middle of the night with a sign that said "FREE," & before the end of the next day our couches were gone. 

I was glad not to have to store couches we didn't have room for, but it was a little bitter sweet. I just hope someone out there is enjoying our first adult couches as much as we did.

I love you so,

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