
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Princess Birthday Party: The Theme

Dear Em,
* This the first post of 4 posts recapping an adorable 4.5 Princess Birthday Party. See also Princess Birthday Party: The InvitesPrincess Birthday Party: The Venue, & Princess Birthday Party: the Food. *
This past weekend we had your 4.5 birthday party (For those who are reading this & are new to the blog, since your birthday is in the middle of Christmas & New Years Day & we're typically traveling, we celebrate your birthday just as family on your actual birthday. Then in June we throw a party for you & your little friends to celebrate your half birthday). You & your little friends had an absolute blast, & I loved every moment of the celebration. It was my favorite birthday party yet.

It started with the theme. Daddy & I talked about what kind of party we should have this year. Ultimately, we decided on a theme that is all you: a Princes Party. You love everything about princesses. Princess shows & stories are your favorite, & you're constantly twirling around in princess costumes. It's actually pretty funny, because I swore I would never raise a frilly, little, princessy girl. And yet, here you are, & I couldn't imagine raising a more amazing child.

So, we gave you your dream & invited you & your little friends to be princesses for an afternoon. I'm so glad we did. This is just a little preview of the cuteness.

For the next few Wednesdays, I'll be recapping your super fun, super sweet princess party. Stay tuned...

I love you so,

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