
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Draw Me Disney World

Dear Em,
You love to color & draw. It's amazing to me how much you've progressed since drawing your very first picture of a person. Now you draw rainbows & flowers...& other things that I'm not really sure what they are.

A few weeks ago you drew me a picture. You beamed with pride as you showed it to me, & I thanked you for the wonderful gift. Apparently I was going to have to work for the very special gift.

Em: I gave you a picture. Now you have to draw one for me.
Me: Em, I'm trying to get ready for work. I can't draw you a picture right now.
Em: You HAVE to. I drew one for you. Now you have to draw one for me.
Me: Em, I really don't have time for this right now.
Em: draw me a picture of Disney World.
Me: Disney World?! I'm not even that great at drawing. There's no way I can draw that.
Em: You HAVE to. I drew you a picture. So, now you HAVE to draw me a picture of Disney World.

Sigh, you can be a tad bit on the bossy side (clearly, you take after Daddy).

I kinda had to put my foot down on this one. It was either that or go to work naked. I explained to you that just because you draw a picture for someone, doesn't mean someone has to draw a picture for you. I also explained that you can't demand what someone else draws.

You rolled your eyes at me & left to draw your own picture of Disney World.

You drew Daisy, Rapunzel, Bullseye, Woody, Minnie Mouse, You, Stitch, Peter Pan, Ariel, Lilo, Buzz Lightyear, & Jessie riding on a roller coaster (I couldn't make out half of that, but you know who everyone is). It was actually pretty stinkin' adorable.

You got your picture of Disney World & I got to leave for work (completely clothed) with a smile on my face. It was a good morning in our house.

I love you so,

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