
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Cleaning Trampolines

Dear Em,
I understand now why you're not supposed to wear shoes on a trampoline. After years of not really holding firm to that rule, our trampoline is filthy. You wouldn't notice it by looking at it, but after a few minutes of jumping blacks marks cover our bodies. Yours especially. It's never a good idea to let you jump around on the trampoline unless we plan to give you a bath right after.

A few weeks ago I gave you & your little best friend scrub brushes, sponges, a bucket of soapy water, & put you to work. The two of you scrubbed & jumped, scrubbed & jumped. I had to refill the bucket of water three times with all the bouncy scrubbing.

We paid you in Dels. I think it was a fair trade.

Unfortunately the trampoline doesn't seem to be any cleaner. You are still covered in black from head to toe after jumping around...which means lots of baths.

I want my money Dels back.

Does anyone know how to clean a trampoline?

I love you so,

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