
Monday, July 28, 2014

Narragansett Balancing Rocks

Dear Em,
For as long as I've been going to the wall, I've seen balancing rock towers. You love to find them among the rocks that line the Narragansett Wall. Some are small stacks, & some are almost as tall as me. We all look at them in awe. I couldn't even begin to attempt a creation of my own. When I think about it, visions of rocks crashing down & crushing my feet fill my head.

Uncle Jared looked at them in a different way. Instead of being completely in awe, he said "I can do that." So, the two of you built balancing rock towers together. You picked out the rocks & Uncle Jared carefully built the towers.

I don't know if he knows how much it meant to you to build rock towers with him. You've always been on the looking side, & it was a really special thing for you to be on the creating side of something that we've marveled at since before you were born. Instead of looking at random balancing rocks in awe, I was looking at my little brother in awe...& so were you.

I love you so,

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