
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Emma & Nonnie

Dear Em,
The first summer Nonnie came to stay with us you were teeny & squishy & an absolute joy. I loved watching the two of you snuggle together. I loved watching you look up at Nonnie & giggle. It's an amazing thing to watch your mother love your child & your child love your mother.

Somehow four years have gone by, & this is our fifth summer with Nonnie. You are still an absolute joy (most of the time), but you're not so teeny or squishy anymore. You & Nonnie (or Non as you sometimes call her) are buddies in the most adorable way. You both infuriate each other at times in a way that best buddies sometimes do, but there is no one you would rather have read you books & put you to bed at night. Nonnie is your favorite to play Barbies with, & you always have to sit right next to her. My heart is so full watching the two of you together & the special relationship you have developed.

We were recently shopping together & I found a pillow that said, "even if you weren't my mother, I would still choose you for my friend." It's true. I'm so thankful for the special summers we have with Nonnie.

I love you so,

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