
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

First Movie Outside

Dear Em,
I feel like I must have, but I am wracking my brain & can't remember ever going to a movie outside. Recently, Daddy sent me a link to a ton of fun things to do in Rhode Island this summer. I perused through the list, enchanted by all of the kid-friendly & free activities available. That's when I noticed all of the outdoor movie showings available all around us.

I looked at the lists of scheduled movies & made a summer movie itinerary for us in my calendar. Our first movie was last week. It was as if the stars had aligned, because for your first outside movie they were showing Frozen at Ninigret Park in Charlestown.

I get a little nervous the first time I participate in a new activity, because I'm unsure of what to expect. What do you bring to an outdoor movie? A blanket? Chairs? Snacks? Bug spray? We decided to pack some camping chairs, extra sweatshirts, & some bug spray & hope for the best. We arrived at around 8pm. Since the movies are screened right behind the playground, we let you burn off some energy while we set up our chairs & waited for dusk. There were a bunch of kids & families already set up with blankest & chairs (phew) in front of the large, blown up screen.

Ninigret Park is such a perfect spot to watch a sunset.

Your best friend S & her dad joined us with a sleeping bag & snacks (good call).

As the moon rose & the sky got dark, it was time for the movie to begin.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed watching Frozen on the outdoor, big screen. I smiled as the kids broke out into a chorus during each song. Everyone was spread out enough that kids could stand up & dance, & you took full advantage. It was such an adorable & quaint community experience.

It was late when the movie ended, & as we walked back to the car I begged you to sleep past 6am in hopes you wouldn't be a complete crankapotomus the next day & ruin our chances of ever going to an outdoor movie again. Although you didn't make it much past 6am the next morning (it was our fault for forgetting to close your blinds), I see lots more outdoor movies in our future.

Sigh, I freaking love Rhode Island summers.

I love you so,

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