
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Princess Party: The Food

Dear Em,
* This the fourth post of 4 posts recapping an adorable 4.5 Princess Birthday Party. See also Princess Birthday Party: The ThemePrincess Birthday Party: The Invites, & Princess Birthday Party: The Venue. *
This is the last post detailing your 4.5 Princess Birthday Party, & I thought I'd go out with a bang by talking about the food. While we didn't need to bring any activities for your party at Kidz Adventure Cuts, we did need to bring all the food. Each time we plan one of your parties, I try to include food that you love without getting too complicated or junk-foody.

Since you love yogurt, I tried to make things simple & clean-up friendly by including yogurt tubes. We also included your favorite fruit in a fruit salad. You are currently obsessed with Cape Cod potato chips. You call them "hip hop potato chips" & go crazy at just the smell of them. I knew we had to have them for your party. One of your other snack favorites are pretzel chips, & we brought those along as well. I bought water bottles & juice boxes from Trader Joes, letting the organic packing make me feel better about the fact they are basically boxes of sugar.

You don't love pizza, but since Rhode Island bakery pizza is typically a crowd pleaser we brought that. We also got a sample platter from Pizzeria Uno with chicken fingers, shrimp skewers, chicken wings, chips, & guacamole. The kids ate the chicken, & the parents ate everything. It was easy, & it was a big hit.

Again this year, we waited too long to order an Allie's Donut Cake & they were booked solid. Instead, we ordered a cupcake cake from Stop & Shop. I took princess photos of you before we ordered it. I gave them a 4x6 photo, & they printed your picture right on the cake. You were dazzled by the very special cake made just for you.

Although nothing except for the cake really went with the princess theme (except that we included our princess's favorite foods), I found pink & purple princess plates & cups & napkins at the Dollar Store to complete the whole princess party look. Everything was a hit. It was a princess foodie paradise.

Most importantly, our little princess loved every bite of her princess party food.

It was such a yummy & fun & special party for the most amazing, little princess I'll ever know. It will be tough living up to it next year, but something tells me you'll inspire something new that's just as fun & adorable & amazing.

I love you so,

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