
Monday, August 25, 2014

kayaking 2014

Dear Em,
This summer is freaking flying by. During our trip to Lake Winnipesauke, I realized it was the first time you & I went kayaking. Daddy & Uncle Jared went a few times without us to go fishing, but I didn't fit it in until our weekend getaway.

Kayaks are a little slow for your preference. As we were paddling along, taking in the gorgeous New Hampshire views, you asked us if we were there yet. You begged to jump out of the kayak & swim, & then told us that you were done with the kayak & would swim the rest of the way. Ha!

The Sea Doos were definitely more your speed.

We have a few weeks left of summer. While there won't be any more Sea Doo rides for you, I'm hoping we can squeeze in another kayak outing or two.

I love you so,

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