
Thursday, August 21, 2014

TBT: Hickfest

Dear Em,
This year's Hickfest was our 6th Hickfest. The first one we had was actually our very first BBQ at our house. It pushed me to get everything in our house unpacked & organized before we had everyone over (I think our Family room couches were delivered days before). We invited all of our friends & family, & more than 50 people came. Daddy & I spent half of the day giving house tours to our family & friends who were just seeing our home for the very first time.

Technically, it was your first Hickfest. I was 4 months pregnant.

In 2010 our family had grown, & we had a little cow-baby to join our fun. We got a little more costumey & got mullets & cowboy hats & boots to add to the ambiance. You napped periodically while the party went on outside.

2011 was the first year you actually went to the fair & a couple of your very first rides. You were fully mobile by then, & much of Hickfest was spent making sure you stayed in the yard like a safe little cowgirl.

Hickfest fell on a rainy weekend in 2012, & it conflicted with two other events. We held a very small gathering on Friday night, skipped the costumes, & ate the crabs & lobsters Nonnie & Papi cooked. Not our typical Hickfest but relaxing & amazing in its own way.

With more of our friends having kids, 2013 was a fun year for you. You had tons of kids to play with. We brought back the costumes & even added some Duck Dynasty & Nascar decor. It was such a fun party for our family to share with all of our friends little families (plus, we found out more of our kids would be having kids).

I can't believe we've had 6 Hicktastic celebrations with our friends & family in our backyard (man, time goes by so quick). I love how it gives us a chance to get together each summer & catch up...congratulate the newly married couple, snuggle the new baby, look at how much each little has grown since the previous year, & squeal excitedly about the news that a new baby is on the way. I enjoy those fun moments in our backyard so much & hope we will continue to celebrate them for so many more years to come.

Plus, who doesn't like putting on a mullet at least once a year? Business in the front, party in the back.

I love you so,

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