
Monday, August 4, 2014

Not a Bad Beach Day

Dear Em,
This summer has kind of gotten away from me. While we've had so many fun adventures, we haven't made it to the beach as much as I'd like. A couple weekends ago you had a birthday party to go to while I went on a morning hike, but we were excited about a beach afternoon. The afternoon was overcast, & we ventured to the ocean air anyway.

It was really chilly for a beach day. We were so chilly that we had to wrap our towels around ourselves. While it may not have been an ideal day for beach lounging, it wasn't a bad day for a walk on the beach. You collected shells along the way. You rinsed each shell off in the ocean before putting it into your shell bag. I shivered just watching you getting soaked in the waves. It didn't bother you. You were at the beach & loving it.

We walked to the end of the beach, to the jetty that separates East Matunuck from Galilee. We climbed up onto the rocks & waved to the boats as they went by (I told you we might see ferries, but you were hoping to see fairies). For the first time, you & I decided to venture down the jetty together. You delighted in the adventure, jumping from large rock to large rock. We worked together to find the best path. You were so proud of yourself as you made it to each giant rock.

We walked down the rock jetty hand in hand, even as rain softly started to fall from the sky. You know what? It wasn't a bad beach day.

I love you so,

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