
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Smoothie Sous Chef

Dear Em,
You've been making milkshakes with Daddy for a long time. You've become quite the expert milkshake maker/taster over the years. I stink at making milkshakes. They somehow always come out too runny or too thick. I'm lucky to be able to enjoy yours & Daddy's culinary skills.

Not to be left out of the whole blender family bonding experience, I found something that we could share together too. You have become my little smoothie sous chef.

We pull up a chair for you to stand on, & you load the blender up with spinach & strawberries & raspberries & yogurt. You always get to take the first sip. With your green smoothie mustache in place, you tell me we've made the best smoothie ever...every time (which is a good thing, because how else would I get you to eat spinach).

It's a pretty simple thing, but I can't help but look down in awe of my amazing, little, mess-making girl. I breathe you in & steal as many kisses as I can. I love our smoothie making moments.

I love you so,

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