
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Charlestown Seafood Festival 2014

Dear Em,
Since you were born, we've been to a lot of fairs & festivals, but the Charlestown Seafood Festival is my very favorite. Maybe it's because it's the festival that you went on your very first ride. Maybe it's the food. I love seafood. Maybe it's just that it seems like just the right size to me. It's big enough to have lots fun, but small enough that it's not overwhelming.

This year was no different. We started out with some yummy food. There were fish plates, paella, clamcakes & more. It was a seafood lovers dream. You were super excited to tackle the rides next. I was hoping to let our food settle first. We found a place to get your face painted, & you & your best friend chose to be pink, sparkly princesses (what a surprise).

Our little pink princess was tall enough this year to ride on all the rides you wanted, even a super spinning ride.

You loved every ride, except for the super spinning ride, which you dubbed the worst ride ever. You & Daddy both looked a little green after that one.

My favorite & yours was the big slide.

After we had spent all of our tickets on rides, we headed over to the band stage. Bon Jersey was playing. There wasn't too much of a crowd. It was the perfect place for you & your best friend to dance your hearts out.

I couldn't help but think of how grown you & S will be 10 years from now- how you'll likely be going to concerts on your own at that point. It scares me a little bit how quickly the time will go by, & that's why I cherish moments like these. I love these moments where I get to watch you dance your heart out & then you come running back to me for a snuggle & a kiss. Maybe that's the real reason why Charlestown Seafood Festival nights are so precious to me.

I love you so,

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