
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Charlestown Seafood Festival

Dear Em,
Speaking of the Charlestown Seafood Festival, I realized this was our 5th year going. In 2010 we didn't go on any rides. Daddy & I ate seafood, & your favorite part was dancing with Daddy to the band.

In 2011 you were still too small to go on rides by yourself, but we went for a ride on the ferris wheel together.

In 2012 you were big enough to go on rides all by yourself. I can't believe how tiny you were riding the purple airplane up in the air.

In 2012 we went with your best friend. You, S, Nonnie, & I enjoyed face painting (your first face painting). You & S loved riding tons of rides together.

Like I said, we had a blast again this year. I can't believe how much you've grown each summer. Looking forward to sharing many, many more years of festivals with you.

I love you so,

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