
Monday, September 8, 2014

Wii like to party

Dear Em,
Our family enjoys board games. Every once in a while Daddy & I have board game nights with our friends. You love to play the Lady Bug Game, Shoots & Ladders, Go Fish, Old Maid, Sorry (although you rarely look sorry), Memory, & Hullabaloo with anyone who will play with you.

This summer, a new board game took over our home. It's kind of shocking to me how much I enjoy the game,'s not exactly a board game. It's a video game, & I've never been much of a gamer.

On Independence Day, it poured...hard. We had a whole BBQ with family & fireworks planned. When we realized that wasn't going to happen, we wondered what else we could do. You begged Daddy to play video games. Since Grand Theft Auto is not exactly appropriate, Daddy looked at what Wii games you have enough coordination to play. We had been gifted the Wii Party game years ago, but hadn't played it in longer than I can remember. We were excited to see that there was a video board game included.

Daddy asked you if you wanted to play Wii Party, & you said, "Well, I do like to party!"

Up to four people can play at a time (& typically you & I work together as a team). We roll the dice electronically to move throughout the board & play little mini games against the other players. I can't tell you how much fun laughter & amazing family time we had throughout the summer with Nonnie, Uncle Jared, Daddy, you, & I.

You & I are the cheerleaders of the group, clapping & whooing (& sometimes booing Daddy & Jared, who are always super good). We high five each other, & say, "Go, team girl!" I love the smile it puts on your face, & I love that we're spending fun moments together.

It's great for a rainy day. It's great for a lazy day. It's great when we have 45 minutes before bedtime. It's become one of my favorite things to do as a family.

Who would've thought that I would become a gamer?

I love you so,

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