
Friday, September 5, 2014

love letters

Dear Em,
"Accept the life that comes. Work and strive, but accept. Don't force the world to be the one you dream. The reality is better."
- From Until I Say Good-Bye by Susan Spencer-Wendel

Speaking of ALS, I recently read Until I Say Good-Bye by Susan Spencer-Wendel. Susan died of ALS at the age of 47, & this book is about her tear jerking journey to live during the years after she was diagnosed. She chose to travel. She chose to cherish the moments she had with her kids & husband & friends & family. She chose to make memories. She chose not to dwell on what she could not longer do. In the midst of suffering through a horrible disease, she chose life.

I think we all have a choice of how we're going to live our lives. Everyone has their own struggles in life, & some have far greater struggles than others. When it comes down to it, we can live in the weeds of frustration or we can choose life. We can always be wishing our lives were different or we can focus on our favorite things in the lives we have. We can wallow in wanting more than what we have or we can choose to love the lives we're living.

I hope you choose life. I hope you "work and strive," but I hope you choose to look what is all around you instead of living in a dream. Reality can be incredibly beautiful.

I love you so,

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