
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Throwback Thursday: First Days of School

Dear Em,
This week you had your fourth and last first day at the school you've been going to since you were 18 months old. Next year you'll be off to kindergarten, & I think we'll all miss the sweet school where you've spent your preschool years learning & growing. I couldn't not have a Throwback Thursday highlighting all of your first days.

I think we were all incredibly nervous when we dropped you off at your first day of school in 2011 (I'm pretty sure I wanted to turn around running & beg your nannies to stay with us). It rained that morning (didn't the weather know I needed to take outdoor first day of school pictures?!), & you wore an adorable bumble bee backpack (with matching lunch box) over your raincoat that day. The "Welcome to Peanuts" sign put a big smile on all our faces & helped put us at ease during such a big time of transition.

In 2012 we weren't rookies anymore. You would be in the same classroom with the same teachers we adored. The adorable, teeny-tiny bumblebee backpack which had been too small to hold a regular sized piece of paper was replaced with a much more functional owl backpack (with matching lunchbox). You were so excited for another year at school.

In 2013 we were excited & nervous. You would be in a new classroom with new teachers. You were so proud that you were growing up into the sunshines classroom. I was a mix between wishing you could stay little forever (I mean, look at how big you look in this photo) & wishing you could take your first teachers with you to every classroom that you transitioned into for the rest of your life. At least you were able to take your old backpack & lunchbox (which has held up so well) with you into your new classroom.

This year you woke up, got yourself dressed, & told me how you wanted your hair fixed. Over top of the outfit you & Nonnie had picked out for your first day, you wore your trusty owl backpack (we'll get a new one for kindergarten). Although you would be in a new classroom & would miss your teachers from the previous year, you were super excited to see all of your friends again. You were a little nervous as we walked down the stairs to your PreK classroom, but your teachers put you right at ease. You sat down right next to one of your little friends, & there weren't even any tears as I left the classroom.

I can't believe how much our little girl has grown up! So excited for where the adventures of this year of school will take you.

I love you so,

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