
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Glamorizing Little Pumpkins

Dear Em,
Summertime is so super busy for us, it doesn't give us much time for crafting. By Fall, I can't wait to get my craft on. You agree. You would craft all day, every day if we could. So, having time for crafting is a nice change of pace for our little family.

Recently, we painted pumpkins. We painted little pumpkins a couple years ago, but you had bigger ideas for this year's mini pumpkins. "Mom, we need feathers & pompoms & googly eyes to decorate our painted pumpkins this year!" You wanted each pumpkin to have a face & a complete outfit.

I bought a bag of small gourds & pumpkins for our whole family to paint. We already had tons of paint, paint brushes, & googly eyes, but I bought some feathers & pompoms to add to our crafting bin. Daddy & I each took two pumpkins, & you decorated all the rest. Your pumpkins were certainly glamorous. You painted in your favorite colors & then added glitter to each pumpkin.

We had to wait for the pumpkins to dry before adding additional accessories. When we returned to the project a week later, we all sat together at your little table & got to work. Although you're a little heavy on the glue, you did pretty great. You attached pompoms & googly eyes & feathers until you had covered every pumpkin in glam. It's a good thing you were wearing a smock, & I had laid down a trash bag on your little table. This project was pretty messy & a lot of family fun.

You were delighted with the results. We ended up with three Emma pumpkins, one made by you, one by me, & one by Daddy (can you guess who made each one?).

You made a Joey pumpkin & a Charlie pumpkin (you let me help with the Charlie pumpkin). We used feathers for their tails & ears.

You also made a Mommy pumpkin. Don't I look fabulous?

While you wanted all the pumpkins to be people, Daddy & we managed to make a few that were just fun. I arranged them all into a festive centerpiece for our dining table.

You enjoy looking at them each night when we sit down for dinner & have decided we will keep them FOREVER. I'm hoping by the time they start to rot, you'll be ready to replace them with other fun crafting projects. Thank goodness it's the season for crafting.

I love you so,

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