
Monday, October 20, 2014

Little Event Planner

Dear Em,
Since we were away celebrating my best friend's wedding, we didn't do much to celebrate mine & daddy's six year wedding anniversary (to your extreme disappointment). When you heard that it was the anniversary of the day Daddy & I started dating, it was the perfect excuse for you to plan a big event. Your eyes lit up, & you set to work right away.

"Mommy! We have to make a list!" We got out your writing journal. "Okay, first we need candles!" You wrote the words on the page & drew a picture of candles above.

You also decided we needed vases & flowers.

You declared the dress code would be fancy, & I would need need to wear a very fancy dress. I let you know that when Daddy & I started dating, we were wearing sweatpants. So, that's what I planned to wear. You tried to negotiate that I at least wear a fancy shirt. I shook my head no. "Well, you are going to wear clothes, right Mommy?" We finally settled on you wearing a dress & Daddy & I wearing sweatpants. Since "shirts" is a lot easier to write than "sweatpants," this is what you wrote.

Since the majority of the parties you've been to have been little kids birthday parties, you've learned to equate parties with pizza. Pizza was going to be a must for our dinner party. No party is complete for you without dessert, & milkshakes are your favorite...with whipped cream & cherries.

Last but not least, you declared that we would need music. This is your picture of a record player (ha!).

Once you had your list, you got to work getting everything ready. We were keeping everything a surprise for Daddy. You made him an invitation to let him know when to arrive at the event. Then we decorated our dining table with the items from your list.

You set the table with our fancy china, & I lit all the candles. Then you ran upstairs to put on your fancy Rapunzel dress while I baked the pizza. We put on a photo montage your aunt Gina had made for us as a wedding gift. It has pictures from when Daddy & I were were babies, when we started dating, & leading up to the day we got married. It was set to all of our favorite songs from when we were dating & would be the music we needed for our dinner party.

You began checking your list to make sure everything was just right.

When Daddy arrived sharply at 4:30 for the dinner party, you were thrilled to show him the amazing dinner party you planned. I'm not quite sure if it was an anniversary dinner party for Daddy & I or for you. You were definitely the center of attention. While it was a little bit of a struggle for you to sit through the whole montage & to later eat all of your pizza, you enjoyed every second of making & drinking your milkshake.

Thank you so much for such a special evening. I know you are planning to be a princess-ballerina when you grow up, but if that doesn't work out I think there is a future for you in event planning. You truly are the very best.

I love you so,

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