
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Overalls

Dear Em,
I never realized how amazing overalls were until there was you. You have always been the cutest thing I've ever seen (I know, I'm slightly biased), but when we put your baby legs into some overalls, I was sure cuteness had reached a whole new level. So stinkin' cute!

But then potty training came along. The overalls would have been too tough for you to take off & put on back then. The possibility of no longer changing your diapers won out against the extreme cuteness of overalls. I tearfully said goodbye & put away what I thought would be your very last pair of overalls.

But then I picked up a cheap pair of overalls shorts for Hickfest this summer. They were basically going to be used as a costume, & I figured I could help you take them off & on if it was only for one day. But then you did something amazing. You showed me how you can take them off & put them back on all by yourself.

You guys, our overall days were back on!

Today is Grandfriends day at school, the perfect occasion to unveil you in your new pair of overalls. The adorableness was almost too much for me to take this morning. You kind of rolled your eyes at me. You wold much rather be wearing a dress or a skirt or a ballerina tutu. 

I know I was being kind of ridiculous. It's just that each stage goes by so very quickly (& yes, I consider overall-wearing a stage). I'm always forced to gear up for the next stage of your childhood before I'm ready to say goodbye to the last ever fleeting stage (except for in the case of potty training, we were way ready for that). Having an only child, I'm not naive to the fact that once we move on, we never go back. So, if you could just give me my overall obsession...for a few more years at that I can savor every last adorable moment of my little one in overalls while she's still little- well, that would be amazing.

I love you so,

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