
Friday, April 17, 2015

love letters

Dear Em,
The spring sun has finally come out for us Rhode Islanders, & I've loved (& needed) every second of it. Earlier this week, we headed to the beach after dinner to take a walk as a family. You collected rocks & seashells, & Daddy tried to teach you to skip rocks in the ocean (you ended up pegging Daddy in the back with your might need a little more practice).

You knelt down & began writing in the sand, as you love to do now. "Mommy, I wrote you a note!" You proudly showed me the words you had inscribed in the sand. There, just beyond the crashing waves, was a love letter that brought tears to my eyes.

"I put my feet prints all around it so you would know the note came from me."

Sigh, walks on the beach are my favorite after dinner activity...especially when they're with you.

I love you so,

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