
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Oozeball

Dear Em,
Spring has finally sprung. We went from wearing winter coats & hats outside to not even needing jackets in just a short week. This spring weather reminds me of Oozeball at URI.

I was a freshman the first time I participated in Oozeball. What is Oozeball? Basically, they dig large, dirt courts in a field on the outskirts of campus. Then the fire department comes & hoses all the courts down. They put up volleyball nets, & tons of URI students come out to play a volleyball tournament in the mud.

I'm not the best volleyball player, & I never played Oozeball to win. I just went to have fun playing in the mud with my friends. The mud is pretty mild at first. It starts as just enough to get your sneakers muddy. The fire fighters continue to hose down the courts throughout the day. By the end, the mud was knee deep & I was typically covered from head to toe in it. It was amazing!

My URI days have been over for a long time now, & so are my fun days in the mud. As a responsible mom, all I can think of is how much the URI Housing Custodial Staff must hate Oozeball & the trail of mud it brings to the dorms. I think the fun was totally worth the mess. If only we could convince Daddy to dig out a big pit in the middle of our his lawn (he will murder me if he reads this)...

I love you so,

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