
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Beginning of Our Backyard Renovations

Dear Em,
When we bought our house, we loved the big backyard that came with it. There was a large bush in the middle of the yard. I looked at it & thought, "someday when we have children in high school going to formal dances & proms, they can stand in front of that bush with their friends for photos." We didn't even know we were pregnant with you yet, but that's pretty much how my mind works.

We moved into our home, & soon you came along. You filled our backyard with fun & laughter. We bought a big swing, & stuck it in front of the bush. We plucked lilacs from the back of the bush in the spring. The bush continued to grow, & we lived around it.


Gradually I started to look at the bush as less of a photo backdrop & more of an obstruction. We have this great big yard, but the bush kind of breaks it in half. Plus, as the bush grew, it continued to take up more & more space. During the spring & summer it could be pretty, but really, the bush just started to aggravate me.


We have plans for some big backyard renovations this year. The bush was the first thing to go.

Mid Backyard Renovations

You shed a few adorable tears  as they begun to cut down all of the bush's branches. "But that's our bush," you said sadly. We've recently realized you don't really like change. We promised you a big, more user friendly yard.

Mid Backyard Renovations

We haven't (tried) to replant the lilac bushes elsewhere yet, but the yard already feels so much bigger to me. I can't wait for our new backyard oasis to be finished. You're going to love it...even more than you apparently loved that bush. I promise.

I love you so,

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