
Friday, May 8, 2015

Love Letters

Dear Em,
"Let's punish him! We'll spank him & then we'll put him in timeout. And when he gets out of timeout, I'll give him a wedgie."
- Emma, age 5

Ha! Poor, Daddy. He's absolutely outnumbered by his two girls with very strong personalities. I can't quite remember why Daddy needed to be punished. Perhaps he was teasing us as Daddy is apt to do...or maybe he just didn't want to make us corn fritters that morning. 

Your idea of a punishment cracked us both up, though. You declared his punishment with such sweetness & excitement. Daddy & I both laughed out loud before you & he chased each other around the house trying to give each other wedgies.

Oh, & before you think we raised you to be a wedgie-giving bully, we have a rule about wedgies. You are only allowed to give wedgies to Daddy...& Daddy gives them back lovingly to you. Ha! I love our quirky, hilarious, ridiculous family life.

I love you so,

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