
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Dear Em,
Mother's Day didn't go exactly as planned this year, but it was truly perfect. I woke up at 5:30 in the morning to the songs of the birds & couldn't fall back asleep. You crept into my room excitedly at 6am & were thrilled to find me awake. We quietly snuggled and watched Big Hero Six, hoping to give Daddy an extra hour or two of sleep.

You whispered something into Daddy's ear & he left the bedroom. You ordered me to stay in bed, with a sparkle in your eyes & a smile across your face. I knew you two were up to something. At one point you ran out of bed & yelled downstairs to Daddy, "make sure they're heart shaped!!"

Daddy came upstairs a little while later with corn fritters for you & I. Mine were cut into the shape of hearts. He also gave me my first scavenger hunt clue. After we ate our yummy breakfast, you guided me through the scavenger hunt clues that you & Daddy had worked on. You excitedly encouraged me to run from clue spot to clue spot. At the end of the hunt was a bunch of sunflowers, a handmade card, & some candy...& you jumping all around in excitement.

Daddy had so many fun plans for my special day: kayaking at Narrow River, a picnic lunch & kite flying at Jamestown. It sounded so lovely & so fun, but I was feeling a little bit exhausted & overwhelmed. We've had a lot going on in the past month, & I've been feeling a little bit like my to do list (all with firm due dates) is a mile long & every time I cross something off the list, three more things need to be added to the list. I sheepishly looked at Daddy & asked if he wouldn't mind having a home day. I wanted to do two things: relax & get things done. Daddy smiled. He was happy to do whatever I wanted to do.

We called Grandma to say Happy Mother's Day & Happy Birthday (she was visiting with Aunt Andrea & Uncle Lowell in Florida). Then we facetimed with Nonnie. You excitedly asked Nonnie if she wanted to play Barbies with you. Nonnie happily agreed. You placed my phone in the center of your doll house & "played Barbies with Nonnie" for the next four hours (you also played say yes to the dress & babies). Your room was a disaster by the end, & you were a little disapointed that Nonnie couldn't help you clean up.

With no child to entertain for those four hours, I lounged in the brilliant sunshine & listened to an audio book for a little while. Then Daddy & I worked to bring all of our summer yard things out. Once I realized that this was the day I could ask Daddy to do any kind of house work without him getting outwardly aggravated at me, I tried to squeeze in as much yard/house work as I could. Ha!

You finally said goodbye to Nonnie, & we headed to Home Depot to pick up some yard supplies. We planned to eat out for dinner, but we weren't sure where we wanted to go. I wanted to eat someplace casual that makes the kind of food we can't cook at home. We finally settled on Celestial Cafe, & I'm so glad we did. The food was amazing. We want to go back & eat all the food. It was a perfect, little family dinner. You sat next to me & we made beaded necklaces & colored pictures together when we weren't eating.

We headed home, & you set up a picnic blanket in the front yard. There we sat & ate the Tres Leche cake you & Daddy had made from scratch the night before (I had a Tres Leche cake in Dallas a few months ago, & Daddy found a recipe to recreate it for me). It was so yum! You & I headed upstairs after that & we snuggled while we read bedtime books.

I don't know that a Mother's Day that includes yard work & a trip to Home Depot is what most women would consider perfection, but this year it was exactly what I wanted & needed. Thank you for being a fun part of my special day, & thank you for being the reason that I can call myself a mother. You are the most incredible & most challenging part of my life, & I thank God for the wonderful adventure that is motherhood. I also thank God for giving me Daddy & all the rest of the help & support we have raising you. Motherhood surely takes a whole community!

I love you so,

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