
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Birthday Party for Little Loves: Luau Party Location

Dear Em,
This is a four part Series covering your Luau Birthday Party. You can also read about the Luau Party InvitesLuau Party Decorations & Favors, & Luau Party Food

It's Wednesday, & it's time to recap your 2.5 birthday bash. I was going to start with the invites, but when I think about it there was something that came even before the invites. The first thing we did was to decide where to have your party. Remember, we had your 1.5 garden birthday party in our backyard? The backyard was ideal for a garden party, but it involved a lot of decorating & set-up & cleaning before & cleaning after & was a lot of work.

This year we thought it would be fun to have your party at a place that would be lots of fun but also a little less work. I looked at a farm with a petting zoo, a gym, & a few other places. In the end, we wanted something fun, age appropriate, inexpensive, & all inclusive. After looking through the details, we decided on the Providence Children's Museum.

I couldn't believe how much the party package included. We had use of a party space for 90 minutes, unlimited time in the Museum exhibits, paper cups, plates, napkins, utensils, "draw on me" table cloths & crayons, apple juice, ice cream sandwiches, $2 museum gift shop gift certificates for each child, & a complimentary museum pass for each child. The party came at a great price too. We have a museum membership, which includes a discount for parties. For everything the party included, I thought it was an amazing deal.

We actually didn't do much to get ready until the night before. Your nonnie remarked how much less stressed out we were than we were getting the house ready the previous year. She was right, it was kind of amazing.

The day of your party came. We arrived a half hour early to set up. Our room was already set-up with a large table in the center of the room, another table for food on the side, & a smaller table for gifts. Each table was covered in bright, yellow paper table cloths that all the kids enjoyed coloring on. Chairs were set-up on along the walls for extra seating, & fun artwork covered the walls. Nonnie played with you in the museum while Daddy & I set our things up. We quickly set up the food & fun things for the party &  put on some music. In no time at all, we were done. We were ready.

During your party, I was actually able to enjoy it. Instead of rushing around preparing things, I was able to really watch you laughing & playing with your friends. Being able to take in the special moments was priceless.

After the party fun in our private room, we let you kids loose in the museum. You played with Grandma & Papa while Daddy, Nonnie, & I cleaned up. It probably only took us 15 minutes to clear the food & party items & load them into our car. I asked for a broom but was told not to worry. They had people to clean up. We were all free to enjoy the museum.

Everyone had a blast in the various rooms & exhibits. You had fun with water, went food shopping, played with a giant light-brite, pretended to be in a spaceship, built things with blocks & magnatiles, played with mirrors, & got to see how air moves things. Instead of playing as a group, each family who came explored whatever area they wanted to, but we ended up bumping into everyone at some point. You had a chance to enjoy the museum with everyone who came to your party.

Most of the kids left the Children's Museum kicking & screaming, including you. As we drove home, I smiled knowing you had so much fun & there was no mess waiting for us at home. Sigh, what a perfect combination.

I love you so,

P.S. Tune in next week for a recap of your invites.

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