
Monday, February 18, 2013

California Love: Where were you during the Blizzard of 2013?

Dear Em,
* This is the first of 5 posts recapping our California adventure. See also California Love: the FoodCalifornia Love: 10 Things to do in San FranciscoCalifornia Love: Wine Country, & love letters *

I can't believe our California adventure is already over. I'm going to spend this week recapping some of the highlights. In my mind it was all a highlight, but I'll try to fit it all into five posts. The funny thing is, one of the most notable things about our California trip didn't even happen in California, the blizzard of 2013.

By the time you're old enough to read these posts, I don't know if people will still be talking about the Blizzard of 2013. I wonder if people will remember where they were, how many hours they spent digging their driveways & cars out of the snow, & if they lost power.

Daddy & I just missed the storm. Had we booked our flight a day later, we could've missed our California trip altogether. The amazing thing about Facebook is that you feel like you can experience things without even being there. I can't tell you how many pictures were posted of people's back decks being covered with snow, doors that wouldn't open to the outside because of the large snow drifts, & small children & dogs that were shorter than the up to 40 inches of snow that piled onto of New England.

Meanwhile, I was outside with my head facing the sky, taking in all the California sunshine.

You, on the other hand, were at Grandma & Papa's house having a blast in the winter wonderland.

Your daddy was freaking out about not being able to get to our house once we returned because of the amount of snow that wouldn't be cleared from our driveway. With most of Rhode Island without power, we were both worried that you would freeze without power at Grandma & Papa's. I called your nonnie to let her know that you were alright & asked her to say a little prayer that you guys kept power. It was then she shared she had been praying for a great big storm so that we could play in the snow together (she knew how badly you wanted a snow day). So, there it is. Blame the blizzard of 2013 on your nonnie (she also caused a summer full of rain).

Thank God you never lost power & stayed warm & safe throughout the blizzard of 2013. We were also blessed to find a good Samaritan had plowed our driveway before we returned (we're still not sure who it was). Plus, the weekend after we returned from California, we got our snow day together. Only a few inches this time, & that was just fine with us.

There was snow angel making.

We made a snowbaby.

There was sledding.

Daddy buried you in the snow.

And there was a one-mommy-open-sleigh ride.

There was also a snowball fight. You said you wanted one. When Daddy threw a snowball at you you said, "hey! Don't throw snow at me." That was pretty much the extent of the snowball fight.

So, maybe Rhode Island doesn't have mustard flower filled vineyards & warm sunshine in February like California does. Still, it feels good to be home.

I love you so,

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