
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Birthday America 2013

Dear Em,
Happy Independence Day! I've lived all around this country, & I can't tell you how blessed I feel to be living & bringing you up in the USA, especially living in our little Rhode Island community. I know our country isn't perfect (or our state for that matter), but we've had the most amazing adventures & have seen so much beauty here. Plus, I can tell you that you can be anything you want when you grow up & know that it's true.

Last night we celebrated our country with what is becoming my favorite Independence Day tradition: dinner at Monahans in Narragansett, fun at the beach, ice cream at Nana's, a performance by you at the Narragansett Gazebo, & fireworks at the Wall (remember the fun we had last year?). Unfortunately the clouds were so low that we didn't really get to see any fireworks. We just got to see the clouds turning different colors.

You were bummed. "These aren't real fireworks. Fireworks are supposed to sparkle in the sky." Luckily, we saw a few flying into the air as we drove home. While you were OK with that, we will still be on the hunt for fireworks during the rest of the weekend. Perhaps a fireworks display in our own back yard?

Today our day will be spent with a parade, BBQ, friends, & family. It makes my heart so happy that I can be spending the day with you & Daddy. There are so many military families across the country that can't be altogether, & I can't tell you how thankful I am for their sacrifice. I'm going to hug you a little tighter today & enjoy watching you run & jump & laugh & play today...& thank God that we live in America.

I love you so,

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