
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Superhero Birthday Party: The Theme

Dear Em,
This past weekend we celebrated your 3.5 birthday party, & for the next few Wednesdays I'll be writing about your party.

Why a half birthday celebration? I swore I would never have a baby in the middle of the holiday season. It's just not fair to have to share your celebrations with turkey, menorahs, Santa, Jesus, & the NYC New Year's countdown. Little did I know, my ability to control everything went out the window the day I found out I was pregnant (the day before a beer festival & two weeks before our trip to Ireland). Your birthday is sandwiched in between Christmas & New Years, an impossible time to plan a party with friends (especially since we're typically traveling during this time). So, to make sure your birthday is extra special, we celebrate your birthday with family on your birthday & then throw you a birthday bash with your friends on your half birthday. So far it has worked out great, except for a few eye rolls we get from people & the fact that you basically think it's your birthday all year long.

This year's birthday theme started with a blogpost I read three years ago & this photo:

I'm sorry that I'm unable to credit the photo. I had copied only the photo & not the link back when I saw it. Is this your photo? I adore it!

I love, love, loved the idea of a Superhero party. How much stinkin' fun would that be?! How stinkin' adorable would you & all your friends look in Superhero capes & masks? I was so giddy about the idea, I couldn't wait to throw you your very own Superhero party.

The first year you were a little too small to pull it off. Most of your little friends were still crawling or toddling around. A superhero cape would have been more dangerous than cute. So, we went with a Garden Party theme & I waited. By age 2.5 you were a full fledged girly-girl, with no interest in Superheros. Even your love of Super Why wouldn't sway you, so we went with a Luau Party theme. Still, I had hope for the future.

Your 3.5 birthday was just around the corner, & I was dying to finally use my Superhero theme. You said no. You just weren't interested in Superheros. I talked to you about some of your superhero costumes, & promised you could be a pink Superhero. I revisited the idea that Super Why & his friends (Princess P being your favorite) were Superheros. Nonnie read you books about Superheros. Finally you agreed to the theme...with one condition. You would be a Superhero Ballerina.

A Superhero Ballerina? I could make that work.

That is how we finally landed on a Superhero theme for your 3.5 birthday party. Now, I just had to get Nonnie to agree to help (I don't sew at all & I was going to need a lot of help). Next week I'll talk about all the things she helped me with (Daddy called it "Julie's Sweat Shop").

I love you so,

1 comment:

  1. A superhero ballerina? wow! That;s going to be unique!


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