
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Saying Goodbye

Dear Em,
It was tough, but we had to say goodbye to Nonnie & Uncle Jared this past weekend. Before they left, we tried to fit in as many fun activities as we could into the last week. We went on bike rides (we bought Nonnie a bike to say thank you for all she did & all she was here in Rhode Island all summer). Watching you & Nonnie bike together was one of my favorite things this summer. You both have baskets, enough for three babies to ride with the two of you.

We went for walks on the beach, collected shells, & wrote love letters in the sand.

We went for a walk at the wall, built rock towers, watched the sun set, listened to music at the gazebo, & got ice cream at Nana's.

We went to the fair, had a BBQ, & played lawn games.

It's a little hard for all of us to adjust to life without Nonnie & Uncle Jared. The house is a little too quiet. You miss your favorite buddies, but we're so thankful for the time we were able to share with them. Plus, we already have our plane tickets booked for our visit to North Carolina this holiday season. Until then, there will be lots of skyping.

I love you so,

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