
Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Recap 2015

Dear Em,
All week last week you were bubbling with excitement for Easter. You looked forward to scavenger hunts & goodies from Mr. E Bunny & time with family. I think the weekend lived up to every one of your expectations. We had such a precious Easter weekend this year.

We had a busy day on Saturday, but Daddy wanted to make sure we fit in time to dye Easter eggs. I was ready to skip the tradition. No one eats hard boiled eggs except for me. Daddy insisted, & I'm glad he did. You had so much fun decorating your eggs & were so proud to share your results with the Easter Bunny.

The night before Easter, while Daddy & I were playing Easter Bunny, Daddy turned to me & said, "This is my favorite part of being a parent. Well, my favorite part of being a parent is actually being a parent, but then there's this. There's only so long that this is going to be magical for her. She won't always believe in Santa & the Easter Bunny. These moments are such special moments that we won't have forever." 

It's true. You woke up Sunday with a sparkle in your eyes the next morning. "It's Easter! It's Easter!" You were beyond excited for the scavenger hunt you knew the Easter Bunny had in store for you, but you were content to fit in some morning family snuggles first.

"Hey Em, I just found these bunny ears, this basket, & a note for you," I said as I held out your first scavenger hunt clue. "It's clue number one of my scavenger hunt!! Come on! Let's start the scavenger hunt!" Your joy overflowed as you bounced up & down. This is what you had been waiting for. Daddy read you the clue, & you excitedly exclaimed where you thought the next clue would be. The Easter Bunny left eggs full of strawberries, raspberries, peanuts, & goldfish with each clue. You excitedly snacked as you went along.

The Easter Bunny ate the carrots we left out.

The last clue told you to look where you store your clothes that protect you from the rain. You threw open the downstairs closet door, looking right past your great big Easter basket & up at your rain jacket. "I guess I was wrong. Nothing is here," you said in the saddest voice. I tried not to giggle behind you. Your basket was right in front of you. All you had to do was look down. After breezing through the 25 clues of your scavenger hunt, it seemed to take forever before you finally spotted your big surprise.

The end of your scavenger hunt was bittersweet for you. You loved the Easter surprises your basket contained, but you were so sad that your scavenger hunt had already come to an end. "Oh, Mommy, that was so much fun. I wish that we could have Easter all over again."

You & I watched Annie (both the old & the new movies are your favorite- I'm so ecstatic to have a musical buddy) while Daddy cooked corn fritters. We ate our breakfast at Daddy's restaurant while the sun shone through the windows. It was kind of the perfect morning.

Later we headed out to share Easter dinner with family. You were so excited to see Grandma & Papa & your aunts, uncles, & cousins. You were also excited to participate in an egg hunt. There was candy & desserts galore & you happily ate until you had a stomachache.

We had such a fun day, & you were not thrilled about our Easter coming to an end. We snuggled together as we read books & said our prayers, & I asked you what your favorite parts of the day were. You loved that we spent the day with family, & you loved that your day was full of special treats. Most of all you loved your scavenger hunt.

I think my favorite part of the day was the magic. I know there will come a day when you learn that the Easter Bunny is not exactly what the stories have lead you believe, but I hope you will still find magic on Easter morning. It's been a long time since the Easter Bunny has left any surprises for me, but Easter is still such a magical time. For me, the magic comes in passing down traditions & creating new ones. I feel it as we get together with family to celebrate new life & growth. I see it as the first flowers begin to bud & bloom. There is such magic in knowing that we're celebrating Jesus dying for our sins & rising again so that we can one day do the same. More than anything, little girl, you & the excitement in your eyes & smiles across your face fill Easter with magic for me.

I love you so,

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