
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Life Lessons Learned from My Best Friend's Wedding

Dear Em,
I wasn't feeling well on Friday. I came home & basically went straight to bed, but first I popped My Best Friend's Wedding into the DVD player. The movie was made in the 90s (I think), & I can't believe how outdated it already looks. It's been a while since I've watched it, but in college it was my go-to chick flick. If I was having a tough day or just feeling off, My Best Friend's Wedding was my movie of choice.

As I watched it this time, I realized that it holds a lot of life lessons that I want to share with you (you will probably have to watch the movie to understand some of the references).

1.) You Will Never Be Jello. There will be times that you will love someone who will not love you the same way back. It will hurt & it will be hard, but it doesn't mean that you are anything less than absolutely & completely amazing. It doesn't mean that you're not enough or you need to change who you are. It's just that some people prefer jello while others prefer creme brulee. You will never be jello. You can take a moment to cry about that & the fact that a relationship just isn't going to work out the way you had hoped, but don't take too long. Somewhere out there is the person who can appreciate & love creme brulee. Somewhere there is a person who will love everything about you, a person you can grow with. Until you find that person, just be yourself. The most important love is the kind you have for yourself. Just know, in your heart, how amazing & beautiful & smart you are...& love yourself for it.

2.) Don't Be Afraid to Love...& Say It Out Loud. I think too many people are afarid of love, but if it's real & it's true, love should never be something you're afraid of. The people we love are only on this earth for a finite time. Things can change so drastically from one day to another. When you love someone, don't be afraid to tell them. They might not say it back, & that's OK. When you're talking to you friends & family, let them know you love them often. When someone has been on your mind, but you haven't talked to that person in a while, don't be afraid to be the one to reconnect. In my life, it's not the times I shared my love that I regret. Instead, I wish I could have said so many more "I love yous." For some people, the moment has passed, & I can't go back. I'm trying not to let those moments go by. I tell you I love you at least 67,000 times a day, because you make my heart feel so full, I can't help but share it with you. Also, I don't want even one moment to pass by where you don't know how absolutely & completely loved you are.

3.) Make Sure You Remember Your Friends...You'll Need Them. When you're in a relationship, things change. You have to make room for that other person in your life, but that doesn't mean you no longer have room for your friends. You'll need your friends, the people who knew you before you became part of a couple. Sometimes they will remind you of who you are. Sometimes they will be a sounding board to vent to. Mostly, they're the people you can have fun with, make precious memories with, & laugh until you cry with. Plus, if things don't work out with your relationship, you'll need their shoulders to cry on (as they'll need your shoulder from time to time as well). Take time for your friends. If you're lucky, you will spend some of your life's most amazing moments with your gal pals.

4.) Music is Everything. Music makes the best moments that much sweeter. Music can also bring a smile to the most awful day. Music is sometimes like an old friend, giving you a sense of warm nostalgia when an old, cherished song comes on. A new song can also be like a new friend, being just what you need as you create new memories. I can't quite put to words the way music has made my life...greater? But I think if you surround yourself with music, you will find pieces of happiness that you otherwise would not have discovered.

5.) I Love Julia Roberts. Ok, this one isn't exactly a life lesson, but it needed to be said.

You're still a little young for My Best Friend's Wedding, but I look forward to someday sharing it with you. Yes, it is going to make you think I am ancient. The cell phones in this movie are the size of bricks. But we'll save the movie for a crappy day. We'll make popcorn & we'll eat ice cream out of the carton. We'll laugh & we'll sing & we'll cry over Julia Robert's heartbreak...& hopefully our crappy day will feel a little less crappy.

I love you so,

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