
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

bowling bowling bowling

Dear Em,
On Tuesday nights we have dinner with Grandma & Papa. Last night we surprised Daddy by meeting Grandma & Papa at the bowling alley. We went to Kingston Bowl in North Kingstown. I had scored a Groupon for bowling for 4 people (I heart Groupon). We ordered a pizza & had a blast spending the night doing some old fashioned bowling.

This was your second time bowling & you were beyond excited. You called it "playing ball." The whole time you were jumping & dancing (thank goodness there were empty lanes on either side of us). You also helped almost all of us bowl throughout the night. It was a perfect way for you to let out some energy on a cold winter night. It didn't come as a surprise to Daddy & I that you were falling asleep during the ride home.

We all had fun. Papa showed off some serious bowling skills (you & he spent a lot of time finding the perfect ball). Daddy & Grandma were pretty good too. I scored a 38. That's right, a 38. Daddy was sweet & said that was probably due to the fact that you & I bowled together most of the time. Unfortunately, I bowled just as many gutter balls with you as without. I still claim the lanes were slanted (ok, probably not). Bowling just isn't my game, but it was still a fun night to share with everyone.

Soon, we plan to try duck pin bowling. We're hoping the balls will be small enough that you can bowl by yourself. Daddy says duck pin bowling is a Rhode Island thing, is it?

I love you so,

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

our gnomes

Dear Em,
Yesterday we gave Daddy two garden gnomes for his birthday week celebration. Aren't they cute? When we were in Florida, Aunt A & L had a Florida State garden gnome. Daddy was a little jealous that our garden lacked sporty gnome fun.

They're available on Amazon, & I was going to order Daddy one. When I saw that they were less expensive at a cute shop at Olde Mistick Village called Taylors Sports (such a fun shop, I've never seen so many sports related things all in one place), I decided to get two. We don't want them to be lonely.

We gave them to Daddy yesterday, & you wanted to know what their names were. You asked if they were named Gnomeo & Juliet (we've been watching the movie on Netflix). I suggested we name them & thought of some names. My favorites would be Brady-O & Gnomey-Tek (Tom Brady & Jason Varitek). You shot down those names with a decisive "no." "How about Patri-O & Gnomey-Sox," I suggested. You answered with another firm "no." "Well, what do you want to name them," I asked. "Gnomeo & Juliet," you replied obviously.

Later that night you were sleeping & Daddy & I were up talking & laughing about the ways you make us smile. "You realize we're probably going to name your gnomes Gnomeo & Juliet, right," I said to Daddy with a smile. "Yup, just like Elf on a Shelf," Daddy laughed as he replied (I talked in this post about when it was time to name our Elf on a Shelf, "Elf on the Shelf"was the only name you would agree to).

I don't think we can ever get a dog. I think you'll just want to name it dog. For now I think we're just excited that two gnomes have joined our family.

I love you so,

Monday, February 27, 2012

Olde Mistick Village & Daniel Packer Inn

Dear Em,
A couple weekends ago I had a girls afternoon. We met in Mystic, had lunch at Daniel Packer Inn, & walked around the shops of Olde Mistick Village. I was a fun afternoon with yummy food, cute shops, fresh air, & girl talk.

The girls at Daniel Packer Inn.

I grew up not far from Mystic, but I forgot how cute & quaint it is there. Olde Mistick Village is an outdoor shopping area next to the Mystic Aquarium. The shops range from Irish Eyes (a shop that brings me back to Ireland & my Grandma) to Extra Virgin (a shop selling infused vinegars & olive oils). There is a church & some restaurants & a locally owned movie theater.

Yesterday was the start of Daddy's birthday week (yup, we like to celebrate for a full week in this house). To celebrate, I asked him if he wanted to go out to breakfast at Station House Restaurant, have lunch at Turtle Soup (overlooking the wall & Narragansett beach), or spend the morning in Mystic. Daddy chose a morning in Mystic.

We bundled up & headed to the shops at Olde Mistik Village. The shops don't open until 11am on Sundays. We figured we'd walk around & say hello to the ducks until the shops were open for business. Across from the duck pond is a store called Bestmors. They sell bags of duck food for 75 cents (we had picked up a loaf of Wonder bread before heading over, but according to the signs, bread makes ducks sick. Who knew?). The duck pond is a hot spot for families with kids. There were several families feeding the ducks. Those ducks sure don't go hungry.

Feeding the ducks with Daddy.

Getting your Irish on at Irish Eyes.

I was hoping to try out a Thai restaurant in Mystic for lunch, but Daddy's tummy wasn't up to it. So, we decided to head back to Daniel Packer Inn. The inn was built over 250 years ago, & there are two sections. The upstairs is quaint & old fashioned & a little fancy looking. The downstairs reminds me of the pubs we visited when we went to Ireland. We headed downstairs & enjoyed feeling like we were back in Ireland.

When I went the first time, I got the fish & chips. It's always been a favorite dish of mine, & the one at Daniel Packer Inn did not disappoint. I decided to change it up this time around & ordered the Vegetable Ciabatta Sandwich. Well, I see myself making the trip back to the Daniel Packer Inn quite frequently just to order that sandwich again. I find that veggie sandwiches can often times be bland, but this one was not bland at all. It was yummy amazingness, with portobello mushrooms, fire roasted peppers, zucchini, fresh tomato, grilled pickles, & garlic herb butter. Hands down, the best veggie sandwich I've ever had. I think it might be the pickle inside the sandwich. I think pickles just make sandwiches better.

You enjoyed the fresh fries & they brought by sliced oranges when they saw your cute face peeking at them while they sliced. Daddy got the Po' Boy, a slow roasted pulled pork sandwich. He gets pulled pork a lot & says that typically they're either really good or really not. He said this sandwich was really good. We were surprised at how inexpensive our bill came out to with how yummy everything was & how large the portions were. We were going to take you to Mystic Drawbridge for ice cream, but we were stuffed.

As we got in the car to leave our Mystic adventure, I heard a knock on my window. Daddy had forgotten his credit card in the restaurant & the waiter had run out into the parking lot to find us & give it back. I was pretty amazed he left his busy tables to come out & look for us.

It was a perfect & special winter morning. I think the Daniel Packer Inn & Olde Mistick Village have become one of our favorite spots on a weekend morning. I mean, we can't let the ducks go hungry.

I love you so,

Friday, February 24, 2012

love letters

Dear Em,
One night you were crying about going to sleep & I sang to you & rocked you. I just sing whatever comes to my head. I sing songs that I sang in choir growing up. I sing songs from Disney movies. From time to time I sing songs I can remember from children's shows.

"Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink
Skinnamarink e-doo
I love you.

I love you in the morning
and in the afternoon.
I love you in the evening
underneath the moon.

Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink
Skinnamarink e-doo
I love you."

The first time I sang this, I actually couldn't remember some of the words & just made them up as I went along. Believe it or not, Daddy filled me in with all the words.

It's become a favorite of yours, & some morning we wake up to the sound of you singing it in your crib. You have a different version of the lyrics, "stink-a-rink a stinky stink, stink-a-rink a doo, I love you." It makes me giggle & puts a smile in my heart.

It's so fun to watch you grow with music that Daddy & I grew with. No matter how we sing it, it's true. I love you.

I love you so,

Thursday, February 23, 2012

bubble wrap fun

Dear Em,
Have you seen Givers Log? They make amazing things to send to people in the mail. This bubble wrap hopscotch board is so fun & so easy to make. It's such a fun way for little loves to learn to count while having a blast making little pops with their feet. As an added bonus, it's an indoor activity. During the winter months, I'm always on the lookout for amazing indoor activities.

We made them as birthday favors for your class. It's a little time consuming to make 12 of them, but you had so much fun jumping & dancing around while your feet popped the bubble wrap. We didn't send them in the mail, we just put them in your friends cubbies. How fun would it be to get this surprise in the mail, though?

For now, the most fun things we get in the mail are our Amazon orders. Sigh, mostly we get bills...& an overwhelming amount of catalogs. Catalogs don't help when you're trying not to spend money, but they're still fun to look at.

Maybe some day we can be fun pen-pals & send each other "happy mail" like they send at Givers Log. There's nothing like getting something fun in your mailbox. At least I have some great ideas if you go away for camp someday.

I love you so,

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Seven Moons

Dear Em,
Most of our close friends don't have children, & sometimes it hard to keep in touch. My life tends to revolve around work & what Super Why's "super big problem" is this week. Sometimes Daddy & I have had a hard time stepping away from it to enjoy time with our friends. So, we've started Thursday night dinners (which we might be changing to Wednesday night dinners) in hope that once a month we can connect with some of our dearest friends.

This past month we went to Seven Moons. It probably helped that I had invited everyone two months ahead of time, but I think most of our friends cleared their schedules just so they could eat at Seven Moons. If you live in Rhode Island & haven't been, you're missing out. It has one of the most extensive East Asian cuisine menus that I've ever seen (some of our friends joked that there needed to be some sort of index for the menu). Seven Moons is where I first tried & realized my love of sushi rolls.

Eight of us were able to get together. One of the best things about Seven Moons for big groups is their large round tables. We never felt confined to the conversation on our side of the table, the round tables make it so everyone can talk freely. It was perfect for catching up. It was also perfect because there is a large lazy susan in the middle of the table. We ordered a bunch of appetizers to share, & could just spin the lazy susan instead of passing plates.

We started off with Nime Chow Vietnamese style, Edamame, Crab Rangoons, & soup. I could fill up & enjoy just appetizers, but I saved some room for the my entree.

Daddy got the Bee Boong, his favorite. It's a Vietnamese dish with lettuce, bean sprouts, cucumber, rice noodles, coconut milk, a spring roll, & peanut sauce with your choice of beef, pork, chicken, shrimp, or vegetables). It's yummy & filling but light. I got the Wild Tuna roll (spicy tuna, avocado, & cucumber on the inside with tuna & wasabi sauce on the outside) & a Philadelphia Roll (smoked salmon, cucumber, & cream cheese). The Wild Tuna roll was the perfect mix of spice & crunch. The Philadelphia roll puts one of my favorite things into a sushi roll, cheese! Can't go wrong with that. Everything was so yummy, but I left not feeling overstuffed. I love the overall lightness of South Asian cuisine.

Catching up with friends was pretty amazing too.

I feel like good food & good people are a perfect mix. Next time we're going to try Indian food, something Daddy & I have never had before. I think the best way to try new types of food is to go with a group of people who have had it & can suggest where to start. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

I love you so,

* Readers, what is your favorite place to meet with friends? *

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mommy speaks in the third person

Dear Em,
There are things about you that change once you become a mom. There are changes I kind of knew about before getting pregnant with you, but I didn't fully understand the extent of the changes until there was you.

My body just isn't & never will be exactly the same. Multiple stitches pretty much sealed the deal on that one. I don't feel like my brain has functioned fully since the day I got pregnant. I just can't remember things anymore. Seriously, if it doesn't get written down, it doesn't get remembered. If t wasn't for the IPhone Notes App, I would be drowning in a sea of post it notes. I feel like something happened during my pregnancy that severed the link that converts my short term memory into long term memory.

In the past couple months, I had a new realization. When I am with you, I speak in the third person. It started off that way because I read somewhere that you should refer to yourself in the third person for the first months of a baby's life. This way the baby can learn who you are without getting confused about why you're sometimes "Mommy" but other times "I" or "me." I really think that the fact that "Mommy" was your first word illustrates how well I was able to speak in the third person. But now I can't stop.

You're two now. You clearly know who I am. Now, it's important for you to use words like "I" & "me" & learn how they are supposed to function in a sentence. I know that I shouldn't be talking to you in the third person anymore. It's just...I can't stop. I mean, I've been doing it for two years, two years. It's hard to break a two year habit. Believe me, I'm trying. If someone had told my pre-mommy self that speaking in the third person would someday be a habit I had to kick, I would have told them they were crazy. Seriously, I can't stand when people speak in the third person. Sigh, but here I am.

Do you want to know the good news? There's no difference or change that I can't get over when you flash one of your smiles. You're worth it all & so much more.

I love you so,

* Readers, what changes have you noticed about yourselves once you became parents? *

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Wall

Dear Em,
The wall at Narragansett, Rhode Island is a special place for us. Daddy & I walked it countless times when we were in college. Daddy proposed on the beach just beyond the wall. I walked it with my favorite ladies the morning of my wedding day & went to Dad's Place for breakfast (omg, I miss Dad's Place). After college, Daddy & I moved to Connecticut for a little while. It was while we were walking the wall (during one of our many weekends back in RI) that we decided Rhode Island was where we wanted to settle & call home.

On the beach beyond the wall, just after we were engaged.

Sitting on the wall, watching the sun rise with my sister.
Wedding Day 2008

So, it was fitting when you were only four weeks old, & we had our first winter day that wasn't absolutely freezing, that we bundled up & took you for your first walk at the wall.

You mostly slept, but it was a special day for Daddy & I. We were introducing you to one of the places in Rhode Island that we love most. It was a gorgeous February day.

Since then, we've been on so many walks at the wall. Sometimes we end with a walk on the beach or ice cream at Nana's or clam cakes & stuffies at Monahans. Sometimes there is a band playing at the gazebo, & we enjoy a free concert.

With your best friend
3 months old
With Nonnie
On the beach with a view of the Towers.
6.5 months old

With Mommy
There's a lot of rock art.
7 months old

With little S, your "big sister"
7.5 months old

With Daddy. You could walk!
14 months old
With Daddy & Mommy
16 months old
With Daddy
It's hard to see the ocean from the stroller.
16 months old.

Eating clam cakes at Monahans Clam Shack.
19 months old
This weekend temperatures were in the mid 40s. This is amazing weather for February in Rhode Island. So, we packed you a lunch & headed to the park. We needed fresh air, all of us. As you were climbing up the slide, Daddy mentioned that it would be a good day for a walk at the wall. It was a great day for the wall. So, we gave you a picnic at the park & then drove to the special place we have driven so many times before.

This time I noticed something was different. You were different. You walked for the most part (except when we carried you or put you on our shoulders) instead of riding in the stroller. All of a sudden I realized what was truly different. For the very first time, your head cleared the wall. You could see the ocean over the wall. I couldn't believe it. You've grown so much. 

This time, you had fun talking about the birds & the rocks & the waves you saw. You could actually see them as we walked. You talked to the puppies we walked past, & enjoyed going at your own pace.

We've had two years of walking the wall with you. In the beginning you slept in the travel system, then in the baby bjorn. We've taken you in the stroller & the wagon & held you. This time you walked on your own (for the most part).

Each walk has put a smile in my heart. I hope we have many many more years of walking the wall.

I love you so,

Friday, February 17, 2012

love letters

Dear Em,
"Well I'm not much of a writer, 
But I tried to drop a line,
If you ever get this message,
Will you be my Valentine?"
The Ballad of Valentine, written by Alison Jackson

Last year I wanted to get you a little something for Valentine's Day. Since we loved reading, I looked for a book to fit the occasion. I found The Ballad of Valentine on There I was able to preview some of the pages, & it looked cute & fun.

Since then, The Ballad of Valentine has become a precious favorite of ours. Rather than read it, we sing it to the tune of "Oh my Darlin' Clementine." It is so stinkin' cute to hear your daddy sing it to you. Seriously, my heart melts.

The illustrations are lovely & funny as we sing through the lengths a man goes through to send a message to his Valentine. A bonfire, a mailman, an airplane that writes words in the sky, & Morse code are just a few ways he tries to send his message. It's hilarious & has us giggling the whole way through.

This week you read sang The Ballad of Valentine to me (& Elmo). One of the most precious moments ever. Seriously, I thought my heart would burst. The level of cuteness was almost more than I can handle.

I hope to grow old singing The Ballad of Valentine.

I love you so,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

your hippo

Dear Em,
Now that you're doing more on your own, you needed a step stool for the bathroom sink. We were going to give it to you as one of your birthday presents, you've been so excited for "big-girl" things. We thought it would be fun to give you something that would be one more step to being independent.

The task of finding you a stool was not simple. I wanted something that was wooden & the color needed to somewhat go with our downstairs bathroom. I didn't want anything personalized or too girly incase we have a second child. I also didn't want one with any type of storage. Storage within a step stool that people stand on in a bathroom just kind of grosses me out.

I remembered seeing a double step stool at Pottery Barn Kids that I liked.  Unfortunately, they only had the single step available for purchase, & I didn't think it would put you high enough. I had time, though (I started your Christmas & birthday shopping well before Thanksgiving). I kept checking back, but the double step stool never became available.

I checked a number of different places, but the stools were either too expensive or not what I was looking for. My sister finally suggested I look at what was available on I'm so glad she did. They had some of the most unique & adorable step stools. That's where I found your hippo. It was only one step, but the dimensions were listed & the one step seemed high enough. With shipping costs, it was a little more pricey than I had planned to spend, but it was worth it. Times Past Toys did such a wonderful job with it (they have a bunch of other animal stools too). Our hippo is durable & handmade & adorable & unique & precious.

You love it. When you go to brush your teeth, you tell me that first you have to stand on your hippo. You grab it & push it in front of the sink. Your hippo makes you excited to brush your teeth & wash your hands. You're proud that you are closer to doing things by yourself.

We're so happy to have brought your hippo into our family.

I love you so,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Taco Bell

Dear Em,
I hope your Valentine's Day was as amazing to you as it was for Daddy & I. Last night we took you out to Taco Bell. Yup, Taco Bell. Taco Bell on Valentine's Day.

When Daddy & I were dating, we spent a fun Valentine's Day skiing all day. We had plans to return home & go out for a nice dinner. When we got home, I was exhausted & sore (from falling all day, I'm not the best skier). I didn't really have the energy to get into the shower & get dolled up. Neither of us had anything in our kitchens, typical for college students. So, I asked Daddy if we could go to Taco Bell for dinner & then watch a movie on the couch. Daddy's friends couldn't believe I had not just agreed to go to Taco Bell for Valentine's Day, but I had suggested it. They told Daddy I was definitely a keeper.

So, when I asked Daddy what he wanted to do for Valentine's Day this year, he asked if we could take you to Taco Bell, KFC-Taco Bell to be exact. I smiled & said why not.

On the way there, Daddy joked that we were going to a fancy restaurant. I told him that we were going to make you really confused about food. You told me that you were Daddy's Valentine & he was yours. I asked you who was my Valentine & you told me that I was my own Valentine. Who worked that out? Luckily, by the time we got to Taco Bell you were OK with being both of our Valentine's.

Daddy & I enjoyed the Taco Bell we get maybe twice a year (I heart Cheesy Gordita Crunches) while you ate popcorn chicken & potato wedges. You kept saying, "I like this fancy west-a-want," which kept Daddy & I laughing throughout dinner. It was definitely your type of Valentine's Day place. You finished off your dinner with a chocolate parfait for dessert (you & Daddy shared), because you have to have dessert on Valentine's Day (a glass of red wine was my dessert later at home).

So, I hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day, my little love. It wasn't what most people would plan for their perfect Valentine's Day, but it was perfect for me.

I love you so,

P.S. Daddy got me the newest Twilight movie for Valentine's Day. You know what that means? Twilight movie marathon this weekend (well, during your naps & after your bedtime)!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Special Valentine's from a Special Little Love

Dear Em,
Happy Valentine's Day. We are so lucky in love. Every day I am thankful for our friends & family & your daddy & you. Since there was you, my heart has grown in ways I didn't know possible. Isn't it so fun to have a special day to celebrate it?

Today you exchange valentines with your friends at school. We had so much fun making valentines for your friends this year. Last year, I found the cutest idea on the Design Mom blog. Gabrielle & her kids made such fun 3-D Lollipop Valentines using photographs of her kids. You know how I feel about photographs. I couldn't wait to try to make our own.

Let me just say, it's really hard to get a two-year-old to make a fist & hold it out for photos while least it was really hard for my two-year old. I finally had to give you a hair clip, & asked you if you would hand it to me.

Here are a couple of the photo-shoot out-takes:

After our photo shoot, I picked my favorite photograph, added a Valentine's message, ordered the prints as 4x6s from Walgreens, & bought lollipops when I picked up the prints.

I used an X-Acto knife to cut a slit above & below your fist in each photograph & slid the lollipop in. They were so quick & easy to make. 40 valentines cost me less than $20.

We gave Daddy one of your valentine's & made him an extra special gift too:

I found this cute idea on the sweet blog Nothing but Country. They used it as a thank you. We put a Valentine's Day spin on it by saying, "we love you a latte!"

You had a blast coloring the Dunkin' Donuts cup with markers & decorating it with heart stickers. Once you finished your artwork, we filled the cup with a Dunkin' Donuts gift certificate, goodies, & hearts.

I think your valentines are the cutest & sweetest valentines ever, but I might be a little biased.

I love you so,

Monday, February 13, 2012

our cranky valentines

Dear Em,
The last couple years, we've made Snapfish photo cards for Valentine's Day. This year I was wicked excited about the two of us making cards together. Unfortunately, the day I planned for us to make our valentines was also a day that you had your fifth double ear infection (in six months) & a day where you had gone without a nap. We had fun making our valentines...just with six or seven tantrums in between.

I found so much valentine inspiration on blogs this year. I thought Haley from Life is Sweet... made such cute & darling homemade valentine's with her son. Then I saw these free printable notecards with the words, "I love you because..." & "I carry your heart. (I carry it in my heart.). They're simple & perfect & have the words from my favorite E.E. Cummings poem. I loved both ideas. I couldn't pick which ones would be our valentines. So, I decided we would do both.

We started with a smock, some red paint, & card stock paper. I learned from our last finger painting experience & had the table covered in plastic with paper towels within arms reach.

You actually originally got to do this part with your little best friend, but it was a little too hectic with two toddlers to take pictures. I took these shots during our second batch of handprints. Once they dried, I cut them out & glued them to the notecards I had previously downloaded & printed.

I asked you to help me write little messages to each of your Valentines, but that's where the bulk of the tantrums stemmed from. There was kicking. There was screaming. There was dropping to the floor. There was time out. Still, there was a lot of love in the making of our Valentines. I think they came out really cute, & I'm excited to send our love to our friends in family for Valentine's Day.

I hope our cranky valentines bring a big smile to the people we love.

I love you so,

Thursday, February 9, 2012

traveling with kids

Dear Em,
This ends our wrap-up of our Florida trip. What an amazing adventure.

Jordan, from Oh Happy Day blogged about 10 Tips for Traveling with Young Kids. Like Jordan, we like to travel with our little love (though we've never traveled out of the country with you like Jordan's family has with their kids). I wish we knew about these tips before we had you. I wish some of our friends & family without kids knew about these tips.

I don't know if it is even possible for us not to "bring more stuff than we can carry." In fact, you should have seen us at the airport. I don't know how we made it (or fit everything in our rental car). That will get easier once we don't have a pack & play in tow.

One of the most important things we've learned is "there is going to be down time." Nap time & bedtime at 8pm were never part of our vacations before there was you (well, unless we had been out way too late the night before). Now, it's a reality. We've learned to be flexible. There are times when we "mess with [your] schedule (a little)," but overall it's better to stop & let you rest than try to do anything with you when you're overtired.

We've also learned to "mix in stuff [you] like." Before there was you, the playground wasn't something we frequented while on vacation. This past trip, we took you to the park at least once a day. It is fine to take you along for the things we want to do, as long as we realize you need time to have fun & get your sillies out your way.

Of course, whenever possible we try to fit in a "date night." We love to travel with you. Our moments with you are most precious to us, but it's good for Daddy & I to have some couple time too.

If you're interested in more really great ideas about traveling with kids, check out Jordan's post. Thanks for putting our thoughts (& frustrations) into words, Jordan!

I'm interested in hearing about travel tips other parents have for successful trips. Readers, are there any other suggestions you can give us about our next trip?

Em, until then we'll enjoy being in the comfort of our own home & going on local adventures.

I love you so,


Dear Em,
While we were on our trip, Daddy & I were lucky enough to have a date night. You Aunt A & L got us a gift certificate to a Guanabanas in Jupiter, Florida & graciously agreed to babysit. Your daddy & I don't get a whole lot of alone time these days, & I looked forward to a night out. Your Aunt A promised we would love the restaurant, & she was right.

Guanabanas is an amazing place right on the water. It's open & outdoors with palm trees & green plants everywhere. It brought me right back to our honeymoon in St. Lucia where a lot of the lunch places had a ceiling but no walls. It was a little chilly that night, & we sat in an area with a roof over our heads & clear plastic protecting us from the wind while still providing us a clear view of the water. As we sat, I felt so relaxed & just took in our amazing surroundings.

I had a hard time ordering. There was so much to chose from & everything on the menu looked so good. We decided to start with an appetizer, Sharky's Conch Fritters. We don't get a whole lot of conch up in Rhode Island & looked forward to trying something new. They were yummy. They reminded me of a mix of a clam cake & a stuffie... but nothing beats Rhode Island clam cakes & stuffies.

Next came our entrees. We both ordered from the specials menu. Daddy ordered the pork chops. They were tender & just the right mix of sweet & savory. Corn pudding, something we've never had before, was one of his sides. He loved it & has been raving about it since we ate there.

I asked the waitress what she would recommend between the Soft Shell Crab Special & the Lemon Butter Fresh Catch. She didn't even take a second to think before she said the Fresh Catch. She said it was a favorite among those who come to Guanabanas (your Aunt A had actually raved about the Fresh Catch too). She also mentioned she just wasn't a big fan of soft shell crab. I made a split second decision & ordered the crab (I know, I'm that annoying person in a restaurant). I'd never had soft shell grab, & was feeling adventurous. 

I almost wanted to take it back the moment our waitress walked away with our orders. What if I hated soft shell crab? Our meals came out & I closed my eyes as I took the first bite...I LOVE soft shell crab. Well, I love Guanabanas soft shell crab. It was lemony, buttery amazingness. I wish we weren't a 24 hour car ride away from Guanabanas. I would ask if the chef would make me the special every single day (Oh, & try the Fresh Catch).

It was such a perfect place for a date night. It would also be a wicked fun place to go with friends. If only we weren't so far...

I'm sure we'll be making some repeat visits when we are back to visit your Aunt A & L. Or maybe we could just move to Florida where it's sunny & there are palm trees...

No, I would miss the Rhode Island stuffies & clam cakes.

I love you so,