Friday, November 28, 2014

love letters

Dear Em,
"Sittin' here tonight, by the fire light.
It reminds me I already have more than I should.
I don't need fame, no one to know my name.

At the end of the day, 
Lord I pray, 
I have a life that's good.

Two arms around me, heaven to ground me,
and a family that always calls me home.
Four wheels to get there, enough love to share,
and a sweet, sweet, sweet song.

At the end of the day, 
Lord I pray, 
I have a life that's good..."
- A Life That's Good from The Music of Nashville

As we spend time with family & friends this holiday weekend, I can't help but look around & be reminded that "I already have more than I should." I'm so thankful & so very blessed to spend this beautiful life with people I love so dearly. On this holiday season of thanks & every day after that, I wish you "a life that's good."

I love you so,

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