Monday, August 10, 2015

July Family Kayaking Fun

Dear Em,
I'm still catching up on July posts, & you'll be able to tell in the photos because you're not wearing a pink cast or a walking boot (it's what you're rocking now, & it's kinda a long story) in any of the photos.   We haven't had a ton of kayaking fun this summer, but the times we have gone have been amazing.

Wanting to switch things up a little bit, Daddy researched places to kayak in Rhode Island. He specifically looked for a place where you could get out & swim around, because you get bored sitting in the kayak for long periods of time (I totally understand that, I felt the same way when my mom would take us out in a rowboat when I was younger). Daddy found a spot that has been 15 minutes away from our house all along: Burlingame State Park. I knew they had a campsite. I had no idea that they had a free swimming/boating launch/picnic area. It was the perfect spot for our family kayaking adventures.

You started with a little swim.

We all loaded in the kayaks. You, Nonnie, & I went in the large one. Daddy paddled in the single kayak. You took my phone & took photos while Nonnie & I had the tough job of paddling.

The sky was a beautiful blue, with a few perfect, cotton-puff clouds scattered across the sky.

You asked if you could help paddle.

Letting you paddle can be a dangerous thing. Everyone needs to take cover. Daddy figured you were getting antsy & looked for a great spot for you to swim. He found a single rock that was easy to climb & just right for you to jump off. You had a blast jumping & splashing & swimming.

You rode on the back of the kayak on the way back, your little feet dangling in the water.

This past weekend was perfect kayaking weather, but we're trying to rest up your ankle. It's been tough for all of us being cooped up rather than enjoying all of our summer favorites (the toughest part is just trying to get you to sit), but thinking about our perfect morning in Burlingame puts a big smile in my heart. Plus, I know this spot will still be waiting for us to re-explore once we put you back together again.

I love you so,

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