Dear Em,
We've been trying to talk to you about getting your first haircut for months. I say TRYING because every time we've broached the topic, you started screaming NO, threw yourself down on the floor, & began kicking your feet in the hair. "I'm not saying we're going to get your hair cut right now. I'm just asking you to think about it," I would plead through the screams.
Then, out of the blue, you walked up to me one morning & said, "Mommy, I'm ready to go get my haircut." I think my mouth dropped open in shock. "What made you change your mind," I asked. "Well, Daddy says I can watch TV while I get my haircut," you simply replied with a sweet smile. I silently rejoiced that you had finally agreed to a haircut while simultaneously started stressing out about trying to find a place that has TVs at every station (of course it would be the promise of TV that would change your mind). "MO-OM, are we going? I'm ready to get my haircut right noooooow," you snapped me out of the silent conversation I was having with myself in my head. Once you make up your mind, there's no messing around. You want to do what you want to do now.
That was Mother's Day morning at 8am. For a quick moment I thought about trying to squeeze it in that day. There was just no way. We had a full day planned, & I wasn't sure where I was going to take you. I spent the next couple days thoroughly researching different kids spots. Most don't include on their websites whether or not they have TVs, but I used the images function on Google to find pictures of the insides of each place. I knew that no TV would mean no haircut.
I finally settled on
Kidz Adventure Cuts, & as a present to myself I took you for your very first haircut on my birthday. You loved the place the moment you walked in. There was a table with toys to play with in the waiting area, & each staton had its very own colorful TV. You oooohed & awwwed & bounced around until the hairdresser called your name. At that moment I think it sunk in for you what you were about to do. You clung to me & whimpered. I held your hand & promised I would be with you the whole time.
I have to say once got to to the hair-washing sink, I was pretty worried that the whole thing wasn't going to happen. I sat you down in the chair, & you started to throw a fit. The hairdresser (Dawn) was amazing. She talked you through the process calmly & step by step until you were laying your head down, getting your hair washed. "This is so cool mom," you smiled.
I was absolutely amazed by how great Dawn was at cutting hair with a moving child. You claim that you stayed very still & didn't move at all. You were great, as great as I could have expected, but you still moved your head all over. You looked from thing to thing in the sensory filled room & asked to hold every toy in eyesight. She seamlessly handed toy after toy to you while trimming your hair in an even line. This woman was a miracle worker.
Of course, you had to choose to watch Caillou during your first hair cut. I can't stand that whiney kid. |
After your haircut, you got your hair blow-dried so that we could see the full look.
Once you finished, you got to pick a prize out of a whole chest full of prizes. Then they gave me a precious little certificate commemorating your first hair cut with a lock of your newly cut hair.
It's not a drastic change. Just a trim off the bottom to get rid of the dead, tangly ends & angled sides so your hair won't be on your face. You love it. There were lots of twirls & smiles as you asked me if I noticed anything different & if you were beautiful. Of course. You are always beautiful.
The next morning you woke up, ran into my room, & said "Mommy, I'm ready for another haircut." "But you just got one yesterday," I said quizzically. "Don't you know Mom?! You get your hair cut & let it grow, & get your hair cut & let it grow, & get your hair cut. I let it grow last night & now I need another hair cut." Oh geeze. I think we created a hair cutting monster.
I love you so,